TAG TEAM Marketing International, Inc. is a Black-owned and operated company that operates the Black Business Network which is made up of tens of thousands of members all over the world. TAG TEAM Marketing is dedicated to creating wealth, unity and prosperity in the Black community.
Each year, the Black community in the U.S. currently generates over $900 billion dollars per year in income. The problem is, almost all of that money gets spent with non-Black businesses. So, even though, the community generates lots of money, the money leaves quickly and goes to other communities, leaving the Black community with nothing. So even as the Black community earns more and more money each year, our community stays poor, because we continue to give it all away to non-Black businesses.
The solution to our community's economic problem is simple. We must buy from Black-owned businesses. If we earned $900 billion as a community and spent it all with Black-owned businesses, we would KEEP $900 billion in our community, and our community would be rich
The Black Businesss Network accomplishes this by getting the Black community involved in connecting, supporting and promoting Black-owned businesses.